I got the frames directly from the clip, but you might be able to find something else, like a large chain link. If the chain link is too ovalish, use a plier to shape it.
Okay, back to real thing :)
Something to use as a frame
Piece of paper
Optional: Black paint
Option 1:
Step 1: Cut out a paper a bit bigger than the opening of your frame..
Step 2: Trace a picture onto your piece of paper. I used a silhouette, since I felt that would be the easiest to draw. Also remember the "beautiful idea" I showed you about a week ago? That picture frame had a silhouette, and I actually traced off of that - making minor adjustment to fit my picture frame!
Optional Step 3: Color over the pencil with black colored pencil or black paint. (I did this, but I forgot to take pictures :)
Step 4: Put glue around the edges of the frame that will touch the paper. Then glue them together and wait to dry.
Instructions for Option 2:
(I don't have pictures 'cause I couldn't do it. :)
Step 1: Print your picture/silhouette onto a piece of paper, making sure to zoom in/out so that the picture will fit in your frame.
Step 2: Cut the picture out of the paper.
Step 3: Put glue around the edges of the frame that will touch the paper. Then glue them together and wait to dry.
You are done!
I hope you can tell this was done in a hurry :)
So please leave your comments or questions in the comment box below. Email not required. Also, your name can be anything you can think of. I don't need to know your name or email address :)