Square piece of paper
Step 1: Holding the paper like a kite, fold in half.
Step 2: Fold the side to the center.
Step 2.5: Do the other side
Step 3: Do the same thing for the bottom
Step 4: Turn your paper around. Then fold up like shown with the pencil line.
Step 5: Do again, the other way.
Step 6: Now flip over and do what you just did, following the crease lines you already made.
Step 7: Fold the triangle in the back together, along the dotted line. Then the triangle in the front should automatically bend back.
Step 8: The final result should look like so:
Step 8.5: Now make 7 more of the following. i don't have any picture for it, but I don't think you need one! :)
Step 9: Notice this little flap in the inside of the bigger triangle?
Step 10: Take the smaller triangle of another "part" and put it into the inside of the bigger triangle.
Step 10.5: Notice that the smaller triangle has a cavity as well.
Step 12: Now that you've put the smaller triangle into the bigger triangle's hole, which I showed you in step 9, put the flap (also showed in step 9) into the smaller triangle's cavity. (Step 10.5)
Step 13: Keep doing this until you have put all 8 into each other.
Yay! We are done! If you read through this before you did the tutorial, let me tell you, it seems like a lot, but once you get the hang it, you can make maybe one whole one in less than 20 minutes!
If you want to know where I learned, here it is:
Enjoy, and keep imagining!
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