**You don't have to use multicolor pens, I just had some, so I used it :)
* No picture, sorry, I forgot to take the picture of paper, forgive me :)
Mandala is literally Sanskrit for 'circle'.
Step 1: Start with a center. Your center could be anything. A small flower, like mine, a small circle, a spiral, etc. Just something circular to start building on.
Step 2: Keep adding! I added small circle's around the edges. Try your best to keep it symmetrical. So like, don't make a gigantic circle on one side and a small one on the other. :)
Step 3: Next I added slender petals in neon orange. I want to remind you that you can use any design that you want, I am just showing you one of the ones I have made.
After that, a larger set of petals were drawn. See if you can spot what's being added in the pictures below. :) :)
That's all folks! And remember, this is just a guide, do whatever you feel like!