Back of small calendar (see picture for what you're looking for. Sometimes these appear on the back of bookmarks.)
Safety Pin
Optional: Binder Clip
Step 1: Cut out each little month's calendar from the back of your calendar/bookmark, making sure each one is the same size.
Step 2: Stick a pin through the bottom center of each month's calendar. These will become the pages. (Make sure you order it so that January is on the top and December is at the bottom.) I forgot about this, but if you want, put a page on top giving the title for the calendar.
Step 3: I would suggest keeping the pages on the pin for this step. Spread glue over the top of the pages and hold together till it dries. (If you want, use a binder clip. I you use a binder clip, you can take the pin off.)
And you are done! Seriously as easy as one, two, three!
Never stop imagining!
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