Bottle Cap
Optional: Paint
To Smoosh the Bottle Cap:
Step 1: Grab your bottle cap. Try to get rid of as my deformities as possible, meaning it should be as close to a perfect circle as it was when it was on the bottle.
Step 2: Put it on a hard surface (like the driveway outside), with the flat part down, and slowly start hammering, making sure the edges are going in, not out.
Step 3: Finish it off. Make sure to completely flatten anything sticking up.
Step 4: Turn it over a give it a few hits to the middle to give it some convexity. (Or is it concavity?) :) :)
Painting your plate (Optional):
Step 2: Add a border (If you want)
Step 3: Add flowers, or other decoration.
Or, print out a picture/draw a picture and double-sided tape it to your bottle cap. Like I did in the end because my painting was horrible and it wasn't drying. (The print out a picture option would have looked better, right? Just resize and print out that picture I have on top...)
You are done with your awesomely amazingly DIY but hard to decorate bottle cap metal plate that would have looked better if it had been painted but is now covered with paper!