One concave button (mine was flower shaped)
Plier and/or wire cutters
Optional: Paint
Step 1: First, we've got to take the nail out of the pushpin. Hold the plier as close to the pushpin as possible, then keep bending back and forth. It should eventually come out –– or break :) But don't worry.
Step 2: If it happens to break, use a sand paper to sand down the stump. After that, I painted it to match my button.
Step 3: Add a nice amount of glue (hot glue would be preferable) to the top of your pushpin.
Step 4: Push the pushpin and the button together.
Step 5: Wait for it to dry, and voila, you are done with your miniature soap stand. :) If you want, you can coat the pushpin with some acrylic sealer for a more durable finish.
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