Bleach pen
Plain T-shirt
Step 1: Sketch out your design with erasable marker. I skipped this step because the only erasable marker I had was blue.
Step 2: Draw with bleach pen. I picked a peacock feather design.
Another Video
Step 3:
Let it dry. If you wash it too early, it will be orange or yellow, so be patient and let it sit for a good while. On the other hand, if you want it to be orange or yellow, don't let it sit for too long.
Step 4: Wash. I had a lot of color wash out of mine, so I wouldn't recommend putting your bleached shirt in the washer. I just washed it by hand. Make sure you thoroughly wash it too.
Step 5: Let it dry. Hang it up somewhere.
Step 6: There is no step 6.
You're all set to go! And as an extra bonus, here are the cutest pictures of little carolina wren baby birdies sleeping in their cozy nest on our deck.
And crying for food:
Happy crafting!
Erin A