Cardboard (Or a pre-made wood letter from a craft store)
Yarn (different colors if needed)
Step 2: Cut your letter out. For sturdiness, cut the letter out a few more times and glue all the layers together.
Step 3: Put glue where you want to start wrapping, and glue the edge of the yarn there. Wait for it to dry.
Step 4: Keep wrapping around and around the letter. The corners are a little difficult and may need some extra glue to keep the yarn in place. Don't worry too much, though; you can cover up the imperfections with embellishments later :)
If you are doing ombré, after you've gotten about a third of the letter wrapped with one color, cut off the yarn and glue the extra to the back of the letter. Then continue with the next color.
Step 5: Finish off and glue yarn to the back of the letter. Cut off any excess. Then you can start adding your embellishments!
Enjoy your finished yarn wrapped letter!
-Erin A
Please tell me how it turned out in the comments below!